Project Description

Project Description

The craft sector is well known for the value that is offering. Korca women are preserving the handicrafts tradition as part of their life.

They produced these products for commercial sales. Throughout the Communist era, peasant life and culture was glorified and revered, and folk art was produced for captive markets throughout Albania and abroad. However, when the Communist system was ended, so was the structure of the craft market.

The fragile Albanian economy was unable to absorb the output of Korca producers, and those producers had not the abilities to survive in the free market.

Korca women artisans’ tradition includes weaving and embroidery. The women could be competitive if they are innovative, offering unique and quality products according to the market request. 

DMO has assisted last two years the craft sector, for adapting of their products according to the tourism market needs.

This assistance was based on the market study done every year by DMO.  It is important also to be mentioned the challenges including retaining jobs in a shifting job market, from manufacturing to a service economy.

Through this one year project October 2012 -September 2013 , DMO in close cooperation with the Municipality of Korca and other local community groups aimed to:

“Create opportunities for a lasting source of income for Roma women and contribute to the protection of environment”

 The project focused on the capacity building, information on the human rights, and skills development for Roma artisans’ women. They have information on how to run their own business, being economically independent. Through the promotion of handicrafts, with assurances that they meet the requirements of quality it was established relationship with the tourist market. Improve access to marketing services and coordinate the activities and functioning of artisans centre in Korca.

The “Happy Crafting” project  contributed on the following objectives:

1.Creation of a support system for representatives of the artisan industry to ensure development and support for the creative abilities of artisans in Korca region developing an efficient model for well-functioning of the Artisans’ Center.

2. Empowermen of 20 Roma women economically and educationally to enable them fighting against violence and participate in business activities through capacity building, information and awareness activities.

3. Raise the awareness of 5800 people on Roma women abilities and their creativity as part of regional tradition through participation in national fairs, local and regional workshops,      e-marketing, etc.

4. Promotion of artisanal products under the label of products “Korca Artisan”, focusing on the promotion of crafts as souvenirs (and not only), with assurances that they meet the requirements of quality so as to ensure a lasting relationship with the market.

The goal of the project was to create opportunities for a lasting source of income for women and contribute to the protection of environment.

The objectives were to be achieved through business raining, new product development, and the creation with tourism market links.